Deborah Ward

Is Therapy for Me?

How Do You Respond to the Following Questions?

  • At times I find life difficult.
  • I am able to or would like to self-reflect and share that experience.
  • I'm interested in different aspects of my life and how it makes me who I am.
  • I would like to understand why I react in certain ways.
  • I can accept that a different perspective to my own is not necessarily wrong.
  • I sometimes have mixed or conflicting feelings about things.
  • I would like to be able to express what is inside of me, but would like some guidance.
  • I can accept that there may be different ways of understanding things.
  • I would like to try things in a different and better way.
  • I can identify and understand different types of feelings inside myself
  • I am curious to identify different feelings more fully.
  • I would like to explore my inner world.
  • I accept that feelings are sometimes difficult as well as pleasant.
  • I feel there is more to me than what others usually see or how I am achieving.
  • I sometimes find looking inside myself a little scary.
  • I think having a stable sense of self is important.
  • I would like to understand better how I come across to other people.
  • I would like to get to know myself better.
  • I would like to explore ways of achieving a better quality of life.


How do you respond to these statements? If you can relate to or recognise some of these feelings, you are very likely to respond well to therapy.